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Japan Remote Staffing Solutions

Hire Remote Teams in Japan

Looking for remote staffing solutions in Japan? We help you augment your ideal team in Japan while saving up to 70% on costs and ensuring compliance with local laws. Schedule a free consultation with us to discuss your ideal solution.

An Offshore Japanese Workforce for Any Sector

From virtual assistants and finance professionals to customer support and sales, we empower your organization to scale with Japan’s top talent.


We Help You Source, Vet, & Onboard a Highly Skilled Workforce in Japan

Leveraging our deep expertise and extensive network, we streamline the process of identifying and engaging top-tier remote talent in Japan. Through our comprehensive approach, we handle sourcing, vetting, and onboarding, ensuring you have a highly skilled workforce ready to contribute to your business goals.

Why Hire in Japan?

With its technologically advanced workforce, impressive work ethic, and strong alignment with global business practices, Japan has emerged as a prime choice for a remote talent base.

Japanese educated workforce
Educated Workforce

Tap Into Japan's Highly Educated Professionals

With a globally recognized education system, Japan cultivates a vast talent pool of highly educated and skilled professionals across diverse sectors. At 1840, we connect you with these exceptional talents, leveraging our extensive network and deep industry knowledge. Our rigorous vetting process ensures you gain access to top-tier professionals, many with advanced degrees and a strong proficiency in English, facilitating seamless communication. 

Technological Excellence

Leverage Japan's Technological Expertise

Japan is a global leader in technological innovation, home to some of the world’s most technologically advanced industries. At 1840, we understand the unique advantages that come with this level of expertise. Our established network allows us to connect your business with Japan’s tech-savvy professionals who can drive your digital transformation efforts forward. Integrate these tech professionals into your operations, ensuring your business stays at the forefront of technological advancements and maintains a competitive edge in the global marketplace.

Japan's technology expert workforce
Japan workforce language compatibility
Language Proficiency

Benefit from Japan's Strong English Skills

Despite being a non-native English speaking country, many Japanese professionals possess strong English language skills. This is a result of the country’s emphasis on English education, making Japan an attractive destination for global companies. At 1840, we recognize the importance of effective communication for successful remote collaboration. We connect you with professionals who not only have the technical skills you need, but also the language proficiency to ensure seamless communication within your global teams. 

Innovative Culture

Harness Japan's Culture of Innovation

Japan’s culture is deeply rooted in innovation, resulting in the country being a world leader in fields such as robotics, automotive, and electronics. We help you tap into this culture of innovation by connecting you with Japan’s inventive professionals. These individuals are well-versed in creative problem-solving and are always on the cutting edge of their respective fields. 

Japan's workforce culture
Japan's strategic location
Asian Markets

Access the Fast-Growing Asian Markets

Japan’s strategic geographic location offers businesses a gateway to the wider Asian market, one of the fastest-growing regions in the world.  By hiring talent in Japan, you gain not only their individual expertise but also their understanding of local and regional markets. This can give you a competitive edge when expanding into these markets.


Established through years of connections, our global network of service professionals grants 1840 clients a competitive edge. You no longer have to search for the right people: we bring them straight to your doorstep.

The 1840 Difference

We are deeply invested in helping businesses focus on business, so our services are designed to be hassle-free. We adapt to your organization structure through freelancing or outsourcing, relieving you of the roadblocks that inhibit your company’s growth.

Scalable Managed

No matter the scale of your needs, we outsource the exact number of business professionals or processes your company needs for success. Our services grow easily with your business, ensuring your evolving needs are met.

Breadth and Depth for Immediate Scale

Our professional resources and outsourcing services give your company the breadth and depth it needs to scale with speed from a single partner. Let your business needs fall on our broad expertise to drive growth.

Elastic Freelancer

From part-time to full-time, our network of freelancers is ready to come alongside your business and meet your needs as they change over time. Flexibility is built into the 1840 model, fulfilling your short-term to long-term needs.

Global Pricing Model

Our professional resources and outsourcing services give your company the breadth and depth it needs to scale with speed from a single partner. Let your business needs fall on our broad expertise to drive growth.

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